The Minnesota Beef Expo is proud to partner with Sullivan Supply to host the Stock Show University Fitting Seminar and Fitting Contest! Prior to the contest, experts from Sullivan Supply will walk attendees through the basics of fitting, provide tips and tricks and show off the latest innovations in cattle grooming. Attendees then team up and get to work fitting an animal to be evaluated.
Questions about the fitting contest can be directed to Expo staff at info@mnbeefexpo.com or 651-643-6476.
General Information
- Pre-registration is preferred using the entry form which is linked above. Registration closes Thursday, Oct. 15 at 10 a.m. or once we have reached maximum capacity of twenty teams.
- Each team will consist of four individuals. One team member must be from each age division.
- Due to space limitations, a maximum of twenty teams can compete.
- Please use your age as of Jan. 1, 2026:
- Junior: Age 7-11
- Intermediate: Ages 12-14
- Senior: Ages 15-21
- An additional team member from any of the three age divisions.
- Teams must sign up during the contest registration period. Entry forms will be available in the show office until 10 a.m. on opening day of the Expo.
- Each team will be responsible for bringing a heifer or steer to use in the competition. Cattle are not to be groomed, but should be washed and dried, and will be checked before the competition begins.
- Each team must provide their own fitting equipment. Once the contest begins, no team member may leave the area.
- Once the fitting area is designated for each team by the contest officials, the team may set up their grooming chute and supplies in their designated area. These items should be in place at least 10 minutes prior to the announced starting time of the contest.
- Each team will be allowed 30 minutes to fit their animal.
- Each team member must fit a leg, using the clipper and blower.
- All fitting and grooming techniques must be within the accepted practices of the IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics.
- Once the animal has been groomed and time is called, the team will stand at the head of the animal until judging is complete.
- $20/team (entries postmarked by Oct. 2)
- $25/team (entries postmarked Oct. 3-9 or paid at Expo)
Scoring & Awards
- The judging panel will score teams out of 50 points maximum. Each judge shall total their score and rank the contestants in numerical order on the basis of their score (highest score first, lowest score last).
- Ability to fit: 20 points
- Participation of each team member: 10 points
- Overall effectiveness: 10 points
- Organization of supplies and equipment: 5 points
- Knowledge and response to questions: 5 points
- The rankings (not the score) of the three judges shall be added for each team and the final placings determined by the lowest composite rankings. Actual scores will be used only to break ties. In the event the participants are still tied, they shall be named co-winners and two awards will be given for that placing and none for the following placing.
Thursday, Oct. 15, 2026 (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum Arena)
6-10 a.m.: Registration in the show office
12 p.m.: Sullivan Supply Stock Show University
2:15 p.m.: Fitting Contest supplies must be in place
2:30-4 p.m.: Fitting Contest begins