The Minnesota Beef Expo is proud to be one of the largest youth cattle shows in the Upper Midwest. Each fall, judges sort through 1,000 head of cattle to pick the best of the best, but it’s the 500 kids behind those cattle that matter most.
We’re proud to offer a weekend where exhibitors can showcase their livestock and compete in events that help build strong industry leaders. Because while raising a champion heifer is great, it’s even better to raise champion kids who are the future leaders of the beef industry.
Questions about the junior show can be directed to Expo staff at info@mnbeefexpo.com or 651-643-6476.
Saturday, Oct. 17, 2026 (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum)
4 p.m.: Junior Market Beef and Prospect Show
Judge: TBA
Show order: TBA
Judge: TBA
Show order: TBA
6:30 p.m.: Prospect Calf Championship (both judges)
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2026 (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum)
8 a.m.: Junior Breeding Heifer Show
Judge: TBA
Show order: TBA
Judge: TBA
Show order: TBA
3 p.m.: Breeding Heifer Championship (both judges)
Subject to change based on financial support from breed organization. A minimum of five (5) head per breed is needed to hold a show. Other breed classes may be added if entries and financial support warrant.
Percentages apply to both heifers and steers unless otherwise listed. The Expo will adhere to the listed percentage requirements for each breed division; however, we will honor adjustments to percentage requirements adopted by national breed associations.
Must provide a copy of a registration paper from the appropriate national breed association if entering in a breed class.
Angus: Must be registered as 100% Angus
British White Park: Must be registered as American British White Park or British White
Charolais: Heifers must be registered as 31/32 blood or more, steers must be registered as 1/2 blood or greater
Charolais Composite: Heifers must be registered at least 1/2 Charolais
Commercial: Any non-registerable animal or animal of a lower percentage of one of the listed breeds
Hereford: Must be registered as 100% Hereford
Limousin: Must be registered as 1/4 or greater according to the North American Limousin Foundation percentages
Maine Anjou: Must be registered as 1/4 or more Maine Anjou
Miniature Hereford: Must be registered with the American Hereford Association
Red Angus: Must be 1-A registered – 100%
Shorthorn: Must be registered as 15/16 blood
Shorthorn Plus: Heifers must be registered as 1/2 blood or greater, steers must be registered as 1/4 blood or greater
Simmental: Heifers must be registered as 7/8 or greater, steers must be registered as 1/2 or greater
Foundation Simmental: Heifers must be registered as 1/2, 5/8 or 3/4 Simmental
South Devon: Must be registered as 1/2 or greater
Speckle Park: Must be registered as a purebred according to the American Speckle Park Association
All Other Breeds: Animals that have a registration paper and aren’t a lower percentage of one of the above listed breeds. Chianina must be at least 6.25% to show in the All Other Breeds division.
Classes may be combined or split by Expo management based on number of entries.
Summer Calf: After May 1, 2026
April Calf: April 1-30, 2026
March Calf: March 1-31, 2026
Winter Calf: Jan. 1 – Feb. 28, 2026
Fall Calf: Sept. 1 – Dec. 31, 2025
Summer Yearling: May 1 – Aug. 31, 2025
Spring Yearling: March 1 – April 30, 2025
Late Senior Yearling: Jan. 1 – Feb. 28, 2025
Early Senior Yearling: Sept. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024
Prospect and Market animals must declare weight. See below for more details.
Calves born after Jan. 1, 2026, can be entered in prospect market calf classes, while animals born before that date will be entered as market steers or heifers.
Prospect steers will be shown in classes divided by breed and by weight. Prospect heifers will be shown separate from steers in classes divided by weight only.
Market animals will be shown in classes divided by weight. Market steers will show in separate classes from market heifers.
- Registration for the 2026 junior show will open on Monday, Aug. 10 and close on Friday, Oct. 2 or when the barn has reached capacity.
- All animals must be registered online unless purchased at the Expo sale. Entries for sale animals must be made at time of settlement.
- Each exhibitor will be limited to two entries per class.
- If you are unable to access the online system, please contact 651-643-6476 or info@mnbeefexpo.com.
- Registration for showmanship must also be completed online, and entries will close on Wednesday, Oct. 7, at 11:59 p.m. Exhibitors must confirm their entry with the show during check-in at the junior show office in order to compete.
- Substitutions will be permitted across divisions. All substitutions must be replacing a Junior Show animal registered by the entry deadline. Substitution information must be received by the junior show office by the end of check-in.
- Entry fees:
- Entries submitted by Friday, Oct. 2, at 11:59 p.m.: $55/head
- Late entry fee (entries submitted from Saturday, Oct. 3, at 12:00 a.m., to Monday, Oct. 5, at 11:59 p.m.): $75/head
- Entry fee includes bedding
- If the barns reach capacity, the entry system will close prior to the dates listed above.
- Showmanship entry fee: $7/exhibitor (learn more here)
- Tie-out fee: $20/head (more info below)
- Camper fee: $30/night (learn more here)
- Entry fees for animals purchased at the Expo sale are waived.
Check-In & Arrival
- Animals will be allowed to enter the barns on Thursday, Oct. 15, from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Friday, Oct. 16, from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. All animals must be in place by Friday at 10 a.m. No exceptions.
- If you arrive after 8 p.m. on Thursday, you may not take stalls in the barn or in tie-outs. Your cattle must remain on your trailer until the office opens again for stalling on Friday at 6 a.m.
- Junior show check-in (including showmanship) will be on Thursday, Oct. 15, from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Friday, Oct. 16, from 8-10 a.m.
- All animals, including prospect steers, prospect heifers and market beef, must check-in during junior show check-in.
- We will be staging all trailers inside the fairgrounds prior to unloading. When you arrive, please enter through Gate 14 (Canfield St., off of Como Ave.) and follow the path of the red arrows on the map below. All trailers will line up in the Trailer Staging & Vehicle Parking area according to the barn you are stalled in. Please back in at an angle in front of the Cattle Barn on Judson Ave., when unloading. Reserve officers will be on-site to direct traffic. Once unloaded, please park all trailers in Lot D. Note there is no access to the barns prior to Thursday at 6 a.m.
- Vehicles may park throughout the fairgrounds, but we ask that you do not park on Judson Ave., or Stevens St., during loading or unloading (your vehicle may be towed if it is parked here during these times).

Stalling & Tie Outs
- All stalls will be preassigned!
- Click here to view stalling assignments
- Stalling assignments listed by each exhibitor are the stalls for the entire group they are a part of. Groups must work amongst themselves to assign individual stalls.
- These assignments include stalls to be used for tack.
- Click the links below to view barn maps to identify your stalls.
- Exhibitors must submit all stalling requests in the stalling comments when completing online registration.
- If you would like to be in a stalling group with other exhibitors, you must have your group and group name determined prior to registering. Everyone who wishes to be in the stalling group must put the same group name in the “stalling comments” section when registering. The group name can be the name of an individual, the name of a county or a unique word or phrase.
- A block of stalls will be assigned to each group. The group must divide the stalls amongst themselves. Groups are expected to share tack space.
- If stalling comments are not clear, they will be disregarded!
- Our stalling teams does thier best to accomodate everyone’s request, but nothing is guaranteed.
- If you have already registered or have changes to your request, please email info@mnbeefexpo.com.
- Sale cattle must indicate if they want to stall in the “Sale Block.” If a group name is provided in the stalling comments or the sale block is not listed, sale cattle will NOT be stalled in the sale block.
- Stalling requests must be submitted by Monday, Oct. 5, at 11:59 p.m.
- Exhibitors will receive an email with their stalling assignments by Tuesday, Oct. 13.
- Stalling assignments will also be posted on this webpage.
- All stalling assignments are FINAL! No changes will be made to stalling assignments after they have been emailed.
- Click here to view stalling assignments
- Space is not guaranteed for grooming chutes, and tack space will be limited. Juniors are encouraged to share grooming chutes and tack areas.
- Tie-out space is limited. Exhibitors must check in at the show office to receive their tie-out assignment.
- Exhibitors may only reserve as many tie-outs as they have cattle entered.
- In the event all tie-out spaces are sold, a waiting list will be established. Refunds are issued following the Expo for those who ordered and paid but did not receive space.
Ownership & Eligibility
- Youth ages 7 to 21 as of Jan. 1, 2026, may exhibit animals or participate in junior activities.
- Heifers or steers are only eligible to show in one breed show and division.
- Animals must have a legible ear tattoo corresponding to the purebred registration certificate recognized by the breed association to be eligible to show in a purebred division or class. Any animal not meeting this criteria will be moved to an appropriate division or class.
- Please review all animal health requirements specifically the animal ID requirements.
- All animals must be exhibited by the junior in whose name the animal has been entered. If an issue comes up where the junior cannot exhibit the animal, it must be exhibited by another junior registered to show at the Expo.
- All entries must be owned by the exhibitor, either jointly by agreement or by the farm/ranch of the immediate family.
- If you are leasing an animal, you must have this form completed and brought with you to check-in.
Premiums & Refunds
- Premium checks will be issued and mailed to the name and address provided on the W-9 form completed during the online registration process.
- Requests for refunds may be made through Monday, Oct. 5.
- No refunds will be given for entries canceled after Monday, Oct. 5, except in the event of contagious disease or injury. Request for refunds must be in writing sent to info@mnbeefexpo.com and must include a written doctor’s or veterinarian’s note.
- Refunds will be issued after all premium checks have been distributed.
General Information
- Exhibitors must submit a weight card with a declared weight for each prospect and market animal.
- The top two animals in each class will be weighed back as they exit the show ring.
- Expo staff reserves the right to weigh any prospect or market animal at their discretion.
- Prospect animals must be within 50 pounds of their declared weight. Market animals must be within 75 pounds of their declared weight.
- Two scales will be available to check weights:
- Cattle Annex:
- Thursday, Oct. 15 from 4-8 p.m.
- Friday, Oct. 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Christensen Pavilion:
- Thursday, Oct. 15 from 4-8 p.m.
- Friday, Oct. 16 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Cattle Annex:
- Weigh cards must be turned in to the Junior Show Office by Friday at 1 p.m. If the card is not received by the above time, the exhibitor forfeits their entry in the show.
- There will be no changes to the declared weight following weigh card submission.
- Any breed with fewer than five entries will not be offered, and entries will be placed in another appropriate division.
- One exhibitor per animal is allowed in the show ring. Exhibitors are not allowed to have help showing from a parent or another junior exhibitor.
- If an animal gets away from an exhibitor three times during a competition, the exhibitor and animal will be excused from the show ring.
- Credit card payments will be accepted for any additional fees or payments at the junior show office.
- Any eligible junior who violates any of the rules of the Expo, knowingly attempts to misrepresent an animal or its registration, or acts in an unbecoming manner, shall be disqualified for exhibition and no premiums shall be paid. Such action shall be taken as deemed necessary by the Minnesota Beef Expo Executive Board.
- By entering, the exhibitor agrees to abide by the International Association of Fairs and Expositions (IAFE) National Code of Show Ring Ethics. Submission of entry indicates acceptance of all rules, regulations and releases associated with the event, including photos taken during the Expo by staff or official photographers that may be used for promotional reasons.