Whether you are looking for a show steer or a replacement female, you’ll be impressed with the quality and selection at the Supreme Row Female and Steer Sale held Saturday of the Expo in the Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum. See below for a full rundown of the Supreme Row Sale & Sale Show.
Questions about the Supreme Row Sale can be directed to Val Eberspacher at 612-805-7405, and more information can be found as it becomes available at ebersale.com.
Saturday, Oct. 17, 2026 (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum Concourse)
8:30 a.m.: Sale cattle show by breeds (females & steers)
11 a.m.: Sale (all breed sale & steers will run continually)
2-4 p.m.: Supreme Row Social with snacks & refreshments (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum Concourse)
2 p.m.: Supreme Row Selection Event
- 2026 Minnesota Beef Ambassador Recognition
- 2026 MYBEP heifers awarded
- Selection of Supreme Row Champions
Show & Sale Consignment Information
Supreme Row Sale Show
- Eberspacher Enterprises will manage and clerk all sales, as well as prepare the catalog/program.
- Awards will be presented for breed champions.
- All cattle selling must have a health certificate! No exceptions.
- All cattle must be halter broke. The Expo committee reserves the right prior to the sale to cull any animal that is deemed unmanageable of potentially detrimental to the sale.
- All sale cattle will be processed and tagged on Friday, Oct. 16, 2026 from 8 a.m. to noon. Registration papers must be in the hands of sale manager on Friday prior to the sale.
- All catalog material is due Sept. 18, 2026. Photos are very important! High quality photos will be used in the catalog. If you need assistance in taking photos, please contact Val at 612-805-7405.
- Pictures and footnotes must be sent to sales@ebersale.com by Sept. 18.
- Each breed division must have seven (7) or more entered and in the sale show to make a breed division. Any breed that does not have enough entries will be combined in an any other breeds/any other purebred division.
Registration and Fees
- Sale fees apply towards sale expenses, bedding and junior show entry fees. Sale fee will be retained to help defray expenses if your animal is a no-show.
- Entries registered by Sept. 2, 2026 will qualify for early bird pricing at $200/head.
- Entries registered by the final deadline of Sept. 9, 2026 will be $255/head.
- Tie-outs: $20/head
- Embryo sale: $100/lot
Prize Money Awarded
- Supreme Champion Female: $4,000 ($2,000 to buyer and $2,000 to consigner)
- Reserve Champion Female: $2,000 ($1,000 to buyer and $1,000 to consigner)
- Supreme Champion Steer: $500 ($250 to buyer and $250 to consigner)
- Reserve Champion Steer: $250 ($125 to buyer and $125 to consigner)
Health Regulations
All animals will be inspected by the official veterinarian the opening day of the exhibition and daily during the exhibition. The official veterinarian will order the immediate removal to a quarantine facility or removal from the exhibition premises of any animal showing clinical signs of any infectious, contagious or communicable disease, including ringworm and warts.
- Any animal showing evidence of any disease, abscesses, or any open contagious lesions will not be allowed to exhibit or show and will be subject to isolation or expulsion at the discretion of the official veterinarian.
- Suspected illness. If illness of any nature is suspected in any animal, the animal is subject to examination by the official veterinarian and owner or exhibitor of the animal must abide by the decision of the official veterinarian.
- Infectious, contagious or communicable disease. Animals known by the exhibitor to have an infectious, contagious or communicable disease, or to have been exposed to an infectious, contagious or communicable disease, or know to originate from a quarantined flock or herd may not be entered in exhibition.
- Animals with warts or ringworm may not be shown. A statement from a veterinarian that an animal is being treated for these diseases will not be accepted.
- All females must be calf-hood vaccinated.
- All bred females must have accurate breeding dates and sold as “safe in calf.” Any female represented and sold as “safe in calf” must have a veterinarian’s certificate stating that she has been examined within 30 days of sale date. Registration numbers on AI sires and pasture exposed bulls are required on the registration paper.
- Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI).
- Cattle from Minnesota. Required if selling.
- Cattle from outside Minnesota. Required. CVI is valid for 30 days from the date the animals were inspected by an accredited veterinarian.
- Must list the Minnesota State Fair as consignee and will be accepted if examination and an import permit number is documented on the CVI. Cattle documented on an electronically issued CVI that is available to the Board in the original electronic format within 24 hours of issuance and complies with the Minnesota Administrative Rule 1721.0040 do not require an import permit.
- Must meet the Minnesota Importation requirements. See bah.state.mn.us/imports/ or call the Minnesota Board
- Must meet the importation requirements of their state of origin if they are returning.
Cattle Identification
The goal of these ID requirements is to uniquely identify animals so they may be traced to their source in the event of a disease outbreak.
- Official identification. Individuals must be officially identified; the following types are considered official. Must meet the requirements of both state and federal animal identification rules. For pictures of official ear tags and more information about official ID livestock, visit the Minnesota Board of Animal Health Official ID page at bah.state.mn.us/official-id/.
- USDA National Uniform Ear-tagging System (NUES). NUES ear tags begin with an official state number followed by three letters and then four numbers. Must display the U.S. shield. Metal or plastic.
- Metal NUES tags may be ordered at no cost from the Minnesota Board of Animal Health by calling 651-201-6836 or using the online tag order form.
- Orange brucellosis vaccination tags may only be applied by accredited veterinarians.
- Plastic NUES tags available for purchase from Leedstone.
- USDA National Uniform Ear-tagging System (NUES). NUES ear tags begin with an official state number followed by three letters and then four numbers. Must display the U.S. shield. Metal or plastic.
- USDA Animal Identification Number (AIN) visual (840) tags or Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID). 15 digit number, beginning with 840. Must display the U.S. shield. May be purchased from most ear tag distributors.
- Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID). 15 digit number, beginning with 124.
- Breed Registry Tattoos and Tags. Tattoos and tags which are only valid for movement within Minnesota and imports from Iowa, Missouri and South Dakota. Only acceptable if accompanied by documentation listing the breed registration number. Pending registrations are not acceptable.
Sale Catalog Advertising Rates
More than 3,500 sale catalogs are distributed every year. For more information, please contact Eberspacher Enterprises Inc., at 507-532-6694 or sales@ebersale.com.
- Two page spread, center, four color: $1,000
- Inside front cover, four color (7.25″ x 10.25″): $600
- Full page, four color (7.25″ x 10.25″): $600
- 1/2 page, four color (7.25″ x 10.25″): $300
- 1/4 page, four color (7.25″ x 10.25″): $200
- 1/8 page/business card, four color (7.25″ x 10.25″): $100
Advertising Deadlines
Camera ready copy (JPG or PDF; 300 dpi and saved for maximum quality settings): Sept. 1, 2026
All other copies (Preferred formats are PDF, JPG, TIFF or EPS with TIFF preview; 300 dpi and saved for maximum quality settings): Sept. 5, 2026
Mail to: Eberspacher Enterprises Inc., Val & Lori Eberspacher, 2904 Co. Rd. 6, Marshall, MN, 56258
Phone: 507-532-6694
Fax: 507-532-9457
Email: sales@ebersale.com